5.1 Deliverables
Month | Deliverables | Note/Download |
1 | Kick-off Meeting Minutes | Download |
10-12 | D1.1. Satellite/UAS-data | |
10-12 | D2.1. Soil spectral libraries of distinct soil groups in both laboratory and field and their relationship | |
10-12 | D6.1. Scenarios for actual sustainable water management with stakeholders (with the drought events in 2018 as concrete cases) | |
16-18 | D3.1. Field and grid specific scaling functions between soil moisture and evapotranspiration | |
16-18 | D4.1. Intercomparison of models, soil and vegetation parametrizations and soil parameters | |
16-18 | D5.1. Spatial-pattern-oriented model calibration | |
22-24 | D1.2. Scaling methods from global satellite water cycle products to field scale surface and profile information of water states | |
22-24 | D2.2. Maps of soil hydraulic properties for the 5 experimental sites based on traditional and vis-NIR spectral analysis | |
22-24 | D5.2. Multiscale parsimonious distributed ecohydrological model to bridge the scales from plant to plot, subcatchment, and catchment/basin respectively | |
22-24 | D6.3. iAqueduct toolbox | |
34-36 | D3.2. Simulation results across the selected experimental sites | |
34-36 | D6.2. Connecting science to society – approaches to influence stakeholders (in particular citizens) towards desirable behaviour | |
34-36 | D6.2-1a. Options for optimal water management in Twente (Uni. Twente interacts with the water authority Vechtstromen); | |
34-36 | D6.2-1b. Machine learning algorithms (Uni. Twente with the company Cosine); | |
34-36 | D6.2-1c. Suggestion for application of the iAqueduct toolbox in the national Delta plan for water management under climate change (Uni. Twente with the Deltares); | |
34-36 | D6.2-2. Demonstration in the “Cilento and Diano Valley” National Park (Uni. Naples will collaborate with the “Velia” Consortium Authority of Land Reclamation); | |
34-36 | D6.2-3a. Case study to help solve the climatic, environmental and socio-economic problem in the practice of water management (UPV with the Confederacion Hidrografica del Jucar (CHJ)); | |
34-36 | D6.2-3b. Initiative for up-taking project results in developing services (UPV with Geosystem) |
5.2 Reports
Click here for a list of reports.
5.3 Peer-Review Journals
Su, Z. et al. An Integrative Information Aqueduct to Close the Gaps between Satellite Observation of Water Cycle and Local Sustainable Management of Water Resources. Water 12, 1495, doi:doi:10.3390/w12051495 (2020).
Zhuang, R., Zeng, Y., Manfreda, S., & Su, Z. (2020). Quantifying long-term land surface and root zone soil moisture over Tibetan Plateau. Remote sensing, 12(3), 1-20. [509]. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12030509
Wang, Y. et al. Integrated Modeling of Photosynthesis and Transfer of Energy, Mass and Momentum in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum System. Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss. 2020, 1-37, doi:10.5194/gmd-2020-85 (2020).
Yu, L., Zeng, Y., Fatichi, S. & Su, Z. How vadose zone mass and energy transfer physics affects the ecohydrological dynamics of a Tibetan meadow? The Cryosphere Discuss., https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-2020-5188 (2020).