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Analysing the Potential of OpenStreetMap Data to Improve the Accuracy of SRTM 30 DEM on Derived Basin Delineation, Slope, and Drainage Networks
31 July 2018
Updates on the Training Course “Harmonized UAS techniques: Introduction to data acquisition and preprocessing” 
9 August 2018

Advances in environmental monitoring thanks to unmanned aircraft

Harmonious is promoting a Session at the 2019 Living Planet Symposium onAdvances in environmental monitoring thanks to unmanned aircraft“.

Session Description

Environmental monitoring is critical to understand processes of a dynamically changing world. Traditional field monitoring techniques are time and labor consuming, and resolution of air- and space-borne remote sensing is often too course from both spatial and temporal point of view. The dynamic nature and spatial variability of many environmental processes require data of high spatial and temporal resolution. The high flexibility of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) makes their use ideal for the task, enabling specific timing and frequent acquisition of data at very fine scales and low costs. Objectives of this session is to discuss UAS applications in monitoring dynamic environmental processes such as river basin hydrology & floods, soil erosion, changes in management & land cover, ecosystem disturbances & restoration, vegetation state, phenology & health, biodiversity & species richness, alien invasions, forest assessment, and impact of global change. Expected size of the session: 10 oral presentations


More info can be found on:

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